Long days at the ranch as we have been busy planting, putting up fence, laying waterline, and getting ready for spring. Plantings over the last few months have included fruit trees, loganberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, shallots, garlic, onions, and cool weather vegetables.
One of our goals has been to erect a metal agricultural building with a cabin to follow. San Diego County signed off on permits last week and our Ag building foundation will be poured tomorrow (Monday, April 6).
The Ag build has been an incredible learning and humbling experience. Plenty more to learn as we progress I am sure. The building is 40 foot by 40 foot and will be “off grid”. The picture above is the Ag building foundation awaiting concrete.
Our plans are to have a ribbon cutting ceremony – complete with a flushing toilet! - in the near future.